Patel- Viral Infections & the ICU: a deadly combination!

complications: GBS, Encephalitis Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis (PORN) 3) CMV Resembles EBV mononucleosis (↑ LFTs, malaise), but no pharyngeal exudates When combined with HIV infection: CMV retinitis: most common AIDS…

Heavner: Pharmacokinetic & pharmacodynamic changes in critically ill patients

own pharmacist every morning, I highly suggest you listen to this lecture twice!! Podcast: Play in new window | Download Clinical Pearls (assisted by Dr. Mustafa Abdulmahdi) Key terminologies:…

Reynolds: Chronic critical illness, what can be done?

it’s time to have a primer on the proper management of this issue before it becomes too late! Podcast: Play in new window | Download Clinical Pearls assisted by…

Rothman: Beyond the Early Warning Score, The Rothman Index

…way you practice medicine and WILL save the lives of those around you! Podcast: Play in new window | Download Clinical Pearls (assisted by Lia Losonczy, MD MPH) Bottom…

Galvagno: Patient-ventilator interactions, perfusion-protection strategies

information is so important and Dr. Galvagno is such an amazing speaker that we are certain it will not effect your learning! Podcast: Play in new window | Download…

Shiber: Updates in Traumatic Brain Injury

outcomes with TBI No difference in mortality or neurological outcomes, though may be time dependent benefit EPO: no improvement in neuro outcomes; mild improvement in mortality (p=0.07) though possibly thrombogenic…

TEG & EP GAS: The enemy of good is perfect!

…your heart and stimulate your intellect. Podcast: Play in new window | Download PART 1: TEG/ROTEM Pearl #1: Why choose TEG (or ROTEM?) Shows even early alterations in coagulopathy…